Popular Commentary

dooce In perusing Standing Partnership’s blog post by Marijean Jaggers, I discovered that Dooce.com is allegedly “the most popular single-author blog in the English language.” Needless to say, I was curious, so I clicked the link – something I highly suggest you do as well. It’s hilarious. From a bathroom rehab in the third trimester of pregnancy to nicknaming the protruding pregnancy bellybutton Fred – this is a blog to return to time and again for grins. Bookmark it!

Avedon Photos

avedon_image Check out the hommage to Richard Avedon in the latest edition of The New Yorker. These are captivating fashion pictures and span the many decades that Avedon has influenced fashion photography. There is nothing quite like a timeless, artistic image that truly captures the mood of a brand or product. The New Yorker offers a slideshow of 15 images, but should you be in New York City from May 15 – September 6 be sure to visit the exhibit at the International Center of Photography.

Microsoft Competes With Twitter

Microsoft Releases Twitter-like Product, called “Vine”

By: Rob Hubert

The once innovative and dominant company from Redmon this week announced their plans to start a public beta of it’s Twitter-like “notification system”, called Vine. I don’t really understand why they would invest in this type of a product without a clear return on investment. Twitter is not generating revenue at the moment and just recently announced premium pay accounts. Will Microsoft actually be able to turn a profit from this type of product?

Read more…

“7 Tips for the Perfect Twitter Profile”

twitter_logo_headerThanks to tSunela, one of St. Louis’ best SEO companies, for the twitter on this great article from IMedia with Twitter Tips. To continue to receive helpful SEO and social media management tips, follow tSunela. Here’s a preview:

Article Highlights:

* Use your real name and a real picture to highlight a human connection
* When writing your bio, consider SEO
* Include a useful URL

Obviously, I need help with the first item. Check out the entire article.

The HomePort Collections: Blogs & Mags & TV

goodhousekeeping_5_09_webThe HomePort Collections has quite a trifecta of PR right now. You can find the Alam Eco Tray featured in the May issue of Good Housekeeping (on newsstands now) in the article “Decorating Under $35.” This item will also be featured on Good Housekeeping TV in the the Mother’s Day Special “Smart Solutions for Moms” which will run May 8 through June 15 on 80 stations across the country.

AND, Leah Hennen spotlighted the Oceania Vases on her blog More Ways To Waste Time.

Take note: 25% off items at TheHomePort.com‘s online boutique through May 15. Support your local wholesaler/retailer!

Dine For Life at Rooster Cafe!

logo-sm-roosterShameless promotion for a good friend… visit Rooster on the 30th!

On Thursday April 30 Rooster crepe.sandwich.cafe will be participating in St Louis Effort for AIDS’ annual fundraiser. We will be donating 50% of sales for the whole day to this worthy organization that provides support to those in St Louis living with HIV and AIDS. Consider coming in for breakfast or lunch until 3pm, or coming by Baileys’ Chocolate Bar after 4pm for drinks or dinner.

Connect to Rooster or Baileys’ Chocolate Bar on FaceBook.

NPR saving journalism?

If you want to know where to sink some advertising dollars, it is most definitely with NPR. The news organization has grown its listenership by 98% in the last decade. That’s right, GROWN. This is stark contrast to the fact that newspapers have lost 11.4% of readers and tv news is down 28%.

NPR reaches 26.4 million listeners weekly compared to USA Today’s 2.3 million and Fox News’ 2.8 million. These numbers are largely due to the organization’s ability to harness new media as part of its dissemination tactics. There are still some hiccups for monetary support of the organization, but Fast Company’s recent article is interesting in how NPR has leveraged the power of new media. Read Fast Company’s article.

Creativity Goes Up When Budgets Are Tight

Inspiration on a Dime
April 03, 2009
by The Creative Group
Do Lean Budgets Impede on Creativity?

* 5 quick tips to promote creativity

When the going gets tough, the tough get more creative, a new survey suggests. 40% of marketing and advertising executives polled said campaigns become more innovative when budgets are lean. 26% felt that tight spending had no effect on creativity levels, according to The Creative Group.

Advertising and marketing executives were asked, “In general, do you think advertising and marketing campaigns become more or less creative when budgets are lean?” Their responses:

Much more creative

Somewhat more creative

No change

Somewhat less creative

Much less creative

Don’t know

“In a challenging economic climate, businesses rely on their marketing teams to develop campaigns that resonate with consumers who are more selective in their spending,” says Megan Slabinski, executive director of The Creative Group. “Firms that lack the resources to support traditional marketing initiatives may be willing to go out on a limb and try something different.”

* Do you feel like creativity is suffering or branching out in new ways?
Join the Discussion

Slabinski noted, however, that not all belt-tightening fosters creativity. “Our research shows that tight deadlines are a top source of creative blocks,” she said. “Consequently, marketing teams that are stretched too thin may have trouble generating quality concepts.”

The Creative Group offers the following five tips for promoting creativity among employees:

1. Find the focus. Help staff members prioritize projects so they have sufficient time for the most important tasks. Eliminate less critical duties, or delegate them to other personnel.
2. Surround your team with ideas. Ask staff to post any designs, artwork or quotes that they find inspiring on a wall from which everyone can draw inspiration.
3. Brainstorm in the morning. A separate survey by The Creative Group indicated that the morning is the most creative time for a majority of professionals, so hold meetings intended to generate ideas in the early hours.
4. Bypass burnout. Bring in freelancers during your busiest periods to prevent workers from becoming overburdened.
5. Don’t forget to have fun. Find inexpensive ways to celebrate successes and bring levity to the job.

The Creative Group specializes in placing a range of highly skilled creative, advertising, marketing and web professionals with a variety of firms on a project and full-time basis. They also are HOW’s official career partner.