Gender & Social Media Use

gender-social-media2The Collective Thoughts blog writer Ryan provided an interesting supposition on his observations of the gender differences in the use of social media. Perhaps the most intriguing element for me is that the assertion is that women tend to discover the usefulness of social media and more adeptly integrate it into their lives instead of focusing on the DIGG voting competitions. Why do I think this is interesting? Well, it applies to me. My favorite thing about Twitter is not what other people are doing, but that it can be a constant news feed. I’m connected to favorite bloggers, favorite publications and industry-related posters (hence how I found the Collective Thoughts blog).

Whether you disagree or agree, I’m curious how you use social media … and whether or not you agree with Ryan’s admittedly “generalized” assertions on social media. Frankly, I think he’s onto something when it comes to considering the gender differences when strategizing your social media marketing plan.

Here’s a teaser clip:
“I think women put more emphasis, focus and time into their social media browsing than men. Men seem to be very ADHD with social media, jumping from news story to story, whereas I’ve noticed women take slow time and incorporate what they read more into their daily life and lifestyle planning.”
Loren Baker, Search Engine Journal

A great thing about social media marketing is that you literally get a first-rate, hands-on education in human anthropology. You learn what moves people. You learn what people want. You learn how to tug at heartstrings and drive emotions to their limit. You learn how different groups of people respond to different types of content. It’s simultaneously liberating and disillusioning to discover how predictable groups of people behave.

Read the entire article “Gender Differences in Social Media Participation.”