Only 1% of Web sites Mobile Ready?

gima_logo1 Discussion at last night’s Gateway Interactive Marketing Association meeting was all about mobile technology. Mobile video. Mobile Marketing. M-Commerce. Is the mobile wave here yet?

The answer to that question was varied, but the one resounding statiistic tossed out for consideration is that only 1% of all Web sites are mobile ready. Compare that measly 1% to the 30 million I-Phone and Blackberry cellular users accessing the Web via their mobile.

Something seems a tad bit off about this number. Whether mobile marketing is here or not or whether your company needs an I-Phone app is not the problem; it’s whether your Web site translates to mobile applications without going crazy. Start with the basics; then experiment with your marketing campaign.

If you don’t know if your Web site translates to mobile technology, talk to my friend Barbara Hines with Anchor Mobile Marketing. She can help you find the answer.

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